Sunday, May 13, 2007

Weekend Update

Countdown to TSF&HG so that's keeping me busy. Terry or Caitlin bring mail from town when they go so we can keep updated on Festival mail fairly well. It is amazing that with modern technology that one can 'run' an operation such as the Scottish Festival from the country. Isn't it wonderful? Doesn't allow a lot of time working on the Ranch though this time of year.

Weather has continued to be great. Cool evenings and occasional showers. We had 1" of rain earlier in the week and a very sudden downpour of 1.3 inches about 2:00 pm Sunday. New wildflowers blooming this week would be the Thistle and the Prickly Pear Cactus (photo). The cactus will only bloom a week or so, so I've already taken some photos. We enjoy the thistle as it always blooms just before the Scottish Festival. Very appropriate as the National flower of Scotland. Most of the Bluebonnets are gone, but the Indian Paint Brush, Black-Eyed Susan, and others are looking good.

We did go to Clifton and the Tin Building Theater production of Nunsense. Caitlin was stage manager and also played a nun. Then to Waco and dinner. A big trip to the big city for Mothers Day.

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