Sunday, March 25, 2007

Good Crop....o' Weeds

We have been away for a week on a cruise and it was interesting to see the changes for this time of year on the Ranch: 1) We have a bumper crop of broad leaf weeds all around the house 2) the Texas live oaks are in their transitional stage 3) the Spanish oaks are in full bud. Good news is the mint I planted last year is coming up. We can have mojitos this week.

The wildlife doesn't like it when we leave, two bird feeders on the ground. I guess when they are empty someone gets upset. Raccoons I suspect, or one tough squirrel. Filled all. I should say that we do believe in feeding the birds. We have seven good feeders. The benefits are the variety of birds you see and mosquito & pest control.

Working around the house has first priority. Terry cut the yard with the yard tractor, mostly weeds, and then we went to town for fertilizer and some new plants. I cleaned the John Deere spreader to use spreading the fertilizer. I'm going to store the spreader inside the barn from now on.

We are fortunate that only natural products have been used here. Because we are on a rocky crag the ranch has never been farmed or synthetic fertilizer used.

We set the new plants around the fountain & pots in front of house and then spread the natural/organic fertilizer on the grass. I also cleared some cedar and started a burn pile on the bluff to the west of the house. From the Mt. we can see heavy rain to the west, but doesn't look like we'll get any today, heading north, what a shame.

It's nice to get back to work on the place after a break. Perhaps hard to understand for some as you have to have a love for the land. And we do.

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