Monday, January 28, 2008

Journal Update

It was a cool cloudy week (30-50°'s) with about 1/2" of rain one day. Overall though it has been very dry so the damp weather was good. I've noticed more deer drinking from the tank by the house and it's because the stock tank has now gone dry. I think they were drinking from the fountain while we were away as well. It did warm up to 70° and got in some work but mainly filling bird & deer feeders, water tanks, fountain, and some road work.

I have noticed more critters this week so they are coming back. Deer hunters probably scared any big cats away.

The kids are getting big and are active. Hopefully there will be grass for them soon. They are really eating the food now and increasing the number of bags of feed needed.

Nothing real exciting happening on the mountain this week.

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