Saturday, June 23, 2007

Weekend Update

We didn't get any more rain this week although it was overcast for most of the week. It did start drying out. The weather has been pleasant for the end of spring and beginning of summer.

I did work around the cabin this week. I wanted to move a dry creek further away from the rear of the cabin as I was able. The creek has been wet most of the past few months. As it dried I was able to do more work so it was completed this week. I made a low water crossing of the trail over the creek as well. I moved the picnic table to the top of the mountain as it wasn't getting much use at the cabin. With the new crossing and table moved, visitors will be able to park on the pea gravel next to the cabin when they visit. There's a small table inside the cabin which could be put up under the trees if guests wish to dine alfresco.

I've noticed more fawns. The does are really after the corn we set out. I guess they need the nourishment for feeding. We are going through twice as much deer corn as we usually set out for them. The young bucks are active as well. The new ones just out on their own are fun to watch. Now they are grouping together and playing and prancing, but that will change soon. The rabbits have taken to the ferns planted around the fountain. Very little ferns left. I've also noted much fewer hummingbirds this year. Maybe because of the odd weather in early spring. I miss them as the mosquitoes are more numerous because of the wet weather.

The tomatoes and watermelon are coming along. I really haven't had to water them at all. Really more worried about them having enough sun. Should have tomatoes in about two more weeks.

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