Sunday, November 11, 2007

Weekend Update

The weather has been beautiful; however, it is still very dry and now becoming dusty. We could really use some rain. The stock tank has dried up which I wouldn't have thought would happen this year, just getting our summer late. Good clearing weather so we have cleared cedar around the house and along the trails. The stump grinder is great for clearing stumps around the house. If it ever looks like rain I'll sow rye grass in the new areas we have cleared.

Had a small goat rodeo last weekend as my neighbor came over and we loaded up the big Billy Goat. His work here is done. He's about 75-80 pounds bigger than when I got him, we'll soon see what kind of kids he throws. I was wrong in the summer about the goats being with kid early. They were just very fat from the great grass from the summer rain. They are all going to have kids now though which is really the right time. I'm guessing by the next blog update we'll have goat kids running around. Annie has been spending time with the new donkeys, but last several days has gone back to the goats. She may know they are about to kid as well.

A big buck jumped the fence row just in front of me yesterday which reminds me that hunting season has started. We have one very large buck that I've seen a lot and several smaller ones. We'll see if the big one makes it through the season. I have not seen any more big cat signs at all so I'm not as on guard when taking Kenzie out.

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