Friday, May 28, 2010

Much Warmer Weather

It's been very interesting watching the baby foxes. They are very active and getting very brave venturing away from their den. They are even coming up on the patio and looking in the screen door. I don't see the mother much at all, but suspect she is watching from further away. We've noticed squirrels dropped off for the babies. I tossed over three cowbirds I had culled and they were gone in an hour. They are fun to watch especially while playing and hunting bugs, but they will need to be moving on soon, as we don't want them next to the house.

The weather is warming up and reached 90° twice this week. The pool is up to 82° and now feels great especially on these hot days. We will take advantage of the pool this year.

The baby goats are coming. We have seven so far. I've closed off the mountain pasture as that has not been good for babies of late. There are lots of wild critters up there. The neighbors got rid of their dogs so that has not been a problem this time. Perhaps we'll have some good babies this year. For the past 10 days I have allowed the goats to pasture during the day around the house and new pastures. I can leave the new mothers with the babies this way and monitor the others expecting. They have been very good and not really gone for the landscaping. They really enjoyed the rye grass, but the rye grass is about gone because of the recent heat. It's time to plant bermuda grass in the new areas around the house. The goats really cleaned out the thistles and finished off most of the wildflowers.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Baby Foxes

We have been watching a family of foxes who seem to have taken residence in our drainage pipe in front of the Pavilion. The mother is a small red fox and she has four pups. The babies climb and jump on her just like other mothers & babies of various types. I'm sure she wants to get them out and about as that is a small pipe and they are getting active. Very cute babies.